Louisville, Kentucky Skyline


Alliance Committee
Works to strengthen relationships with Builders and Realtors.
Board Liaison: Kay Smith

By-Laws Committee
Reviews the association’s by-laws for future revisions.
Board Liaison: Elizabeth Williams and John Cissell

Legislative Committee
Helps keep the membership informed of the national, state and local proposals. Helps to develop a plan to support positive legislation that helps the industry grow and prevent legislation that will ultimately harm the consumer and the industry.
Board Liaison: Daniel Marlin and Michael Schad

Membership Committee
Develops a comprehensive program to enhance and increase membership with targeted growth.
Board Liaison:  Julie Domian-Ernst and Trish DeWitt

Programs Committee
Provides speakers for the monthly luncheon meetings and works with the Education Committee.
Board Liaison: John Cissell and Michael Schad

Community Service
Plans events that benefit our local community and those that raise funds for our association. The community service communicates with charity’s we work with for luncheon and other events.
Board Liaison: Julie Domian-Ernst and Sharon Decker

Education Committee
Develops educational information to be passed along to our members as well as additional educational offerings and continues to pursue avenues where we create value for all people employed in our industry.
Board Liaison: John Cissell and David Gnadinger

Fundraising Committee
Raising money for MBA Louisville activities and supported charities.
Board Liaison: Kay Smith and Elizabeth Williams

Gala Awards Committee
Selects awards for Gala  Event and other events, handles nomination submissions, and selection of award winners.
Board Liaison: Daniel Marlin and David Gnadinger

The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President and shall have at least four other members appointed by the President.  The Nominations Committee shall work throughout the year to solicit nominations for officers and directors.
Board Liaison: Michael Schad